Get The Lead Out

Replacement Plan

Your Lead Service Line Replacement Plan provides the framework for prioritizing lead service line replacement efforts, establishing clear timelines and budgets, and ensuring that the replacement process is carried out in a coordinated and effective manner. Your Replacement Plan should act as your operational playbook, providing your community with each step to execute replacements over the next 15 to 50 years.

Keep in mind that Community Water System’s that have or suspect lead water service lines will need to develop a Replacement Plan.


When developing a Replacement Plan, communities frequently are faced with navigating limited funding for replacements, needing to coordinate with property owners and other stakeholders, identifying high-risk areas, ensuring adequate staffing and resources and needing to balancing their replacement schedule with other infrastructure projects.

B&W Solutions

Working closely with key staff, such as the Director of Public Works, Communications Director, Finance Director, and Operations staff, Baxter & Woodman is assisting communities in navigating the difficult discussions and decisions needed to address all the components of a Lead Service Line Replacement Plan. Using our experience in capital improvement planning, strategizing funding options, and our design and construction expertise, we will take into consideration the following with your team:

  • Replacement Prioritization Criteria (Schools, Child-care facilities, healthcare facilities, etc.)
  • Future Infrastructure and Roadway Needs
  • Available Funding and Resources (State/Federal and Local)
  • Partnerships with Local Plumbers/Contractors

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